Univisión Arizona Townhall to Spotlight Growing Dangers of Climate Crisis and Solutions to Solve it

For Immediate Release
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Contacts: Betsy López-Wagner, López-Wagner Strategies, blopezwagner@gmail.com (English, Español)
Alfredo Ramirez, ALRAS Digital,
alfredo@alrasdigital.com (English, Español)

Univisión Arizona Townhall to Spotlight Growing Dangers of Climate Crisis and Solutions to Solve it

First-ever Univision Arizona Latino Townhall on Climate brings together Latino leaders to discuss solutions to the existential threat of climate change

Phoenix, Arizona – Today, Corazón Latino, a Latino-led conservation and advocacy group working nationally and in Arizona, in collaboration with Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and Climate Power, announced a media partnership with Univisión AZ in Spanish kicking off on Earth Day 2021. 

With the participation of a coalition of Latino leaders on behalf of Climate Power, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), Tucson Mayor Regina Romero, Moms Clean Air Force/EcoMadres, Poder Latinx Arizona and Chispa Arizona and Corazón Latino will host a televised environmental program covering public health, air and water pollution, fires, drought and the solutions available today to protect our Madre Tierra.  

“Televised environmental programing in Spanish is vital. We are proud to help make this a reality to serve up information and conversation locally,” said Felipe Benitez, Executive Director of Corazón Latino, a national non-profit organization that seeks to generate social, environmental, and conservation initiatives that foster natural resource stewardship. "We must act on climate with our families and our Madre Tierra – Mother Earth – in mind."

“Informing and empowering our community is at the heart of everything we do at Univision Arizona, and we are proud to partner with Corazon Latino to engage our audience on the importance of protecting our environment,” said Joe Donnarumma, President and General Manager, Univision Arizona.

“Latino’s are concerned about climate change and want to take action on climate yet with a myriad of issues affecting our communities we see limited programming on such topics. This is problematic because with the emerging changes from the Biden-Harris administration and new Congress, it's more important than ever to empower and educate the Latino community to engage on the opportunities of clean energy, to reduce pollution, create jobs, and protect our families,” said Esther Sosa, Project Manager, Federal Partnerships at Environmental Defense Fund

"Latinos are one of the communities most affected by the extreme weather derived from climate change," said Antonieta Cadiz, spokesperson for Climate Power. "This is the moment, now we have the opportunity with the American Jobs Plan, to face this climate crisis and make the investments in clean energy and infrastructure that our families need."

When: Saturday, April 24th at 4-5p.m. MST/7-8 p.m. EST on Univisión AZ

Where: Univision AZ Televised show from 4:00 to 4:30 p.m.

Facebook Live segment from 4:30 to 5 p.m.:
https://www.facebook.com/events/1461509614181019 (Facebook Live)

More information here: https://www.facebook.com/UnivisionArizona/posts/6173447559347775

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Corazón Latino is a national non-profit organization that seeks to generate social, environmental, and conservation initiatives that foster natural resource stewardship. Corazón Latino mobilizes the passion, love, unity, solidarity, and resources of individuals, communities, organizations, and government entities to advance the common good. Visit us at