Statement: Corazón Latino Praises Biden-Harris Plan for Inclusive Energy Infrastructure


Date: May 10, 2023

Contact: Karina Martínez,

Corazón Latino celebrates the Biden-Harris Administration's recent announcement outlining priorities for building America's energy infrastructure faster, safer, and cleaner. This comprehensive plan demonstrates a strong commitment to environmental justice and the protection of our public lands.

Felipe Benitez, Executive Director and Founder of Corazón Latino, said, "We are particularly excited to see the emphasis on community engagement and the incorporation of local recommendations related to public lands. This approach ensures that the voices of the communities most affected by these decisions are heard and respected, which is crucial to building a more equitable and sustainable energy future."

He added, "The Biden-Harris Administration's plan goes beyond simply addressing our energy needs; it is a bold step towards creating a healthier environment for all Americans, especially those living in marginalized communities. We believe this initiative will pave the way for a cleaner, greener future, and we are proud to support the administration's efforts to protect our Madre Tierra for generations to come."


About Corazón Latino:

Corazón Latino is a nonprofit organization that engages diverse communities with culturally relevant campaigns focusing on environmental, conservation, education, social justice, and health issues. With a nationwide presence and strategic partnerships, Corazón Latino promotes the "One Health" approach, emphasizing the interconnectedness of human health, animal health, and the environment, to make a meaningful impact across the country,